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Woman drinking a drink

To slow down aging, we are particularly familiar with the famous antioxidant foods found on our plates, but what drinks can help fight aging?

  1. Green tea. In addition to being very rich in antioxidants to help you delay the signs of aging, green tea has anti-carcinogenic properties and can therefore be beneficial against many cancers (breast, lung, skin, liver, stomach, colon. ..).

  2. Red wine. Consumed in moderation (1 balloon per day), red wine also helps you in your fight against aging thanks to its antioxidants (flavonoids and resveratrol). It has many other beneficial effects on health but also on sexuality, see our article Red wine would be an excellent medicine.

  3. High cocoa hot chocolate (>70%). Dark chocolate contains antioxidants (flavonoids) which not only fight free radicals responsible for degenerative diseases, but are also very beneficial for the skin and the heart because they reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow to the brain.</p >

  4. Water. Drinking 1.5 liters of water per day would eliminate toxins from your body, hydrate your skin and therefore slow down aging. So let's turn our necks to this famous expression that we will all have said or heard at least once during a party: "drinking water rusts" 😄

Avoid sugary soft drinks

We already knew that sugary soft drinks are not good for our health, and now a recent American study tells us that they even accelerate the aging of cells. Carried out on more than 5,000 people, the study demonstrated that subjects who consumed more sugary soft drinks had shorter telomeres in their white blood cells, and it is the length of telomeres which is associated with longevity. Telomeres are structures that protect the DNA at the ends of chromosomes in your cells.

So replace your consumption of soft drinks with tomato juice, it's not as good (although it's a question of taste) but at least they contain antioxidants.

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