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Barracuda cocktail
Barracuda: the recipe for a classic Italian cocktail from the 1950s.


For 1 person
4 cl dark rum
1 cl Galliano liqueur
5 cl pineapple juice
1 cl lime juice
4 cl Prosecco

How to make

👉 shaker / 🥃 highball / 🍹 long drink (15cl) / ⏱️ 4 mn
  1. Fill the glass with ice.

  2. Shake the dark rum, the Galliano liqueur, the pineapple juice and the lime juice with a few ice cubes.

  3. Strain into the glass.

  4. Complete with prosecco.

  5. Optionally garnish with a pineapple wedge or a sprig of mint.


The Barracuda cocktail is one of the new classic IBA cocktails. The recipe calls for using old rum (i.e. aged in barrels for at least 3 years) and Prosecco (Italian sparkling white wine).

This cocktail would have started to be developed from the end of the 1950s by Benito Cuppari, an Italian bartender who worked on cruise ships. It is in honor of a nightclub of the same name located in Portofino and managed by a friend of his that Cuppari baptized his recipe the "Barracuda".

Barracudas are fruity and refreshing cocktails, Prosecco brings its little Italian touch.

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